February 20, 2021
Trip Navajo Sunset

The Navajo Way

If the Navajo Nation was actually a separate state, it would be larger than any of the 10 smallest states in the country. The Native American […]
February 13, 2021
Trip Cal Aqueduct

California’s War Over Water

There are two basic equations that tend to ignite California’s constant debate over who should get how much of the state’s precious water supply. The first […]
July 9, 2020
statue of liberty

Immigration Has Always Been an Issue

The United States has been a nation of immigrants ever since the first European settlers arrived in the 1600s and began forming the colonies. For the […]
July 17, 2020

The Fight to Save Local Newspapers

The words “Love Canal” are synonymous with toxic water pollution. That’s due, in great part, to a young reporter named Michael Brown who worked for the […]